Precondition Survey & Vibration Monitoring
- Crosstown Precondition Surveys
- Crosstown Vibration Monitoring
- Highway 100
Crosstown Precondition Survey

The Crosstown Commons (I-35W and Hwy 62) project required pile driving in the vicinity of residential, commercial, and industrial buildings in the cities of Minneapolis and Richfield, Minnesota. Pile driving generates ground vibrations, which may cause damage to surrounding structures. Preconstruction building condition surveys are used to assess the condition of structures prior to construction and provide a baseline for claims against the contractor and owner.
We conducted preconstruction building condition surveys on all structures within a 225-ft radius of the pile driving. This included 310 residences, 13 apartment buildings, six commercial / historic buildings. We surveyed the interior and exterior of the structures.
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We conducted preconstruction building condition surveys on all structures within a 225-ft radius of the pile driving. This included 310 residences, 13 apartment buildings, six commercial / historic buildings. We surveyed the interior and exterior of the structures.
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Crosstown Vibration Monitoring

The Crosstown Commons (I-35W and Hwy 62) project required pile driving in the vicinity of residential, commercial, and industrial structures in the cities of Minneapolis and Richfield, Minnesota. Pile driving generates ground vibrations, which may cause damage to surrounding structures. Vibrations are monitored remotely with a three-axis seismograph connected to a cellular modem near structures to provide a baseline for claims against the contractor and owner. We conducted vibration and sound monitoring for the pile driving activities associated with 22 bridges, nine retaining walls, and dozens of temporary sheet pile and lag wall retaining walls.
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Highway 100

The Highway 100 Phase 4 project required pile driving in the vicinity of residential, commercial, and industrial buildings in the cities of Brooklyn Center and Robbinsdale, Minnesota. Pile driving generates ground vibrations, which may cause damage to surrounding structures. Preconstruction building condition surveys are used to assess the condition of structures prior to construction and provide a baseline for claims against the contractor and owner.
Our employees conducted preconstruction building condition surveys on all structures within a 500-ft radius of the pile driving. This included 21 residences, two apartment buildings, three commercial / industrial buildings and one church. Our staff surveyed the interior and exterior of the structures.
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Our employees conducted preconstruction building condition surveys on all structures within a 500-ft radius of the pile driving. This included 21 residences, two apartment buildings, three commercial / industrial buildings and one church. Our staff surveyed the interior and exterior of the structures.
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